Please find below syllabi for my past courses. This page is intended as a resource for anyone planning to teach on similar topics at their own institution, and I freely consent to their (non-commercial) use and distribution. NOTE: This list is not exhaustive, and in particular does not include every syllabus for classes I have taught more than once. If you need a syllabus for a specific semester (for example as part of a request for transfer credit), I suggest e-mailing me directly.

The Rise and Fall of Rome

Introduction to Latin Poetry: Catullus and Martial

Topics in Latin Poetry: Juvenal

An Introduction to Roman Law

Sex and Gender in Ancient Rome

Introduction to Latin Prose: Cicero

Power and Passion in Ancient Rome (Introduction to Roman Literature)

Slavery in the Ancient Mediterranean [Georgetown]

Marketing Empire [Georgetown]

Contemporary Western Civilization (Plato to Rousseau) [Columbia]

Contemporary Western Civilization (Rousseau to Foucault) [Columbia]

Intermediate Latin: Ovid and Sallust [Columbia]

Intermediate Latin: Catullus and Cicero [Columbia]